2017 – 2020 Randstad Group Ausy Executive Vice-President Strategy

Executive Vice-President Strategy (executive board member) -> linkedin profile
Randstad group France & Ausy group

In charge of the Randstad group’s strategic initiatives to strengthen cooperation, business development with our international partners and clients.
Promote the interests of the Randstad Group in its different market segments dedicated to private and public organizations.
In 2017, Launch of the synergies plan HORIZON 2020 dedicated for synergies and change management at the ausy group level.

Randstad and Ausy groups profiles :
The Randstad Group is a global leader in the HR services industry.
In 2019, Randstad had on average 38,280 corporate employees and generated revenue of € 23.7 billion. 4,858 branches and Inhouse locations in 39 countries around the world. Randstad was founded in 1960 and is is listed on the NYSE Euronext Amsterdam, headquartered in Diemen, the Netherlands.
Randstad in France generated revenue of € 3,63 billion through a network of 650 branch offices with more than 37500 clients .
In france more than 100,000 people work every day for the randstad group and the ausy group.
Randstad’s “Tech & Touch” strategy is a very important pillar of its overall strategy. Digital transformation at the heart of existing business models.
The way to connect with clients and talents and to put humans first in all organizations.
-> Randstad holding NV. Amsterdam: https://www.randstad.com/
-> Randstad group france: https://www.grouperandstad.fr/groupe/

AUSY, a Randstad company, founded in 1988 with more than 7000 engineers and experts is one of the leading innovation consulting firms.
Digital technologies and security are part of its DNA. Its offer is based on areas of specialization:
management and organization of information systems, as well as engineering services, digital infrastructure, industrial systems and improvement of manufacturing.
Ausy operates as both a technology and engineering consulting firm. His ability to execute turnkey projects relies on competence delivery centres in Europe and worldwide to accelerate projects of his clients.
-> Ausy group: https://www.ausy.com